When many people think of soul mates, they imagine the person to spend the rest of your life with.  Most of the time, it’s the person you’re married to, right? Not many people consider a sibling a soul mate.  In our home, we have 2 little boys that we call twins, for that same reason.  Then the question comes “why do you call them twins?”. Well, sometimes life is a little more involved then meets the eye.

The quick, honest answer, Karson and Gavin are soul mates.  They are the same age, well 3 months apart, so we call them twins.  As we were pregnant with Gavin, 7 months pregnant, Karson was born.  We were done adopting and decided that we wanted to try giving birth before we called it quits on

more children.  Karson was a shock, although we knew it was fate the second we got that call.  We assumed that he was coming to us since we were in the process of adopting his sister.  Although, now years later, we now know, he really came to us for Gavin.  

From the second Gavin was born and even before, they had this deep connection.  They are quite inseparable, always have been.  They are brothers but just don’t look like it at first glance.  So why is the in-depth reason we call them twins?  The answer, To simplify their life later down the road.

Think about them being in school, the same last name, the same age.  They will be in the same grade also, at the same time.  The questions will come up, are they supposed to explain every time that one is adopted?  We already get questions all of the time, “is Gavin yours” our reply “they are all ours”.  To us, that’s just not fair to them, because they are actually twins.  They just are not from the same genetic connection. 

Like Alyx and Landon, who are only a few weeks apart.  We call them twins as well, although no one questions that since they are of similar nationalities.  It’s hard growing up and trying to live a life without having to answer questions of your past that you cannot control.  We all know this, yet still some adults ask the questions of why we refer to our kids in a certain matter.

To me, I get annoyed, I’m their mom, I get questioned as well of how we came about.  Then when people ask and then you have to explain then it’s “You’re doing a great thing”.  Do you think I’m flattered once you say that after questioning our family?  To me this is just how we chose to create our family, we are not great because of it.  It is just our family and how we wanted to share our love just like every other adult that wanted kids.  Mean while, Why does it matter?  

My point is, Not all siblings look alike, some you can’t even tell that they are related.  Our little twins even have their own language, they dress the same, they choose to be this way.  Why question that?  But people still do, so how are we supposed to answer?  Why do you see happy kids just living their life and have to know details of why they are family, yet do not look the same?  Sadly, I reply “because they are twins”, followed by silence and the end to that conversation.

For those that still question after my explanation here, I’ll give you the same reply I once had on instagram.  The definition of Twins - one of 2 persons or things closely related to or very like each other.  Maybe going forward we should be more descriptive by saying “soul twins”. Although we like to just keep it simple as possible, even if it keeps the minds wondering of others.

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